Íslensku jólasveinarnir | The Icelandic Yulelads |
Á Íslandi koma 13 jólasveinar fyrir jól. Sá fyrsti kemur 11.
desember og síðasti 24. desember. Svo kemur auðvitað sjálfur
Nikulás á aðfangadag jóla, eins og í mörgum öðrum löndum.
sveinarnir eru óþekkir og stríðnir. Þrettán dögum eftir jól fer síðasti sveinninn til baka, en sá dagur,
þrettándadagur er líka dagurinn sem álfar flytja ef þeir þurfa. Námskeiðið hentar fólki sem hefur tekið a.m.k. eitt námskeið í íslensku í Tungumálaskólanum. Hægt er að velja um þyngd á textum, velja þá sem þið viljið lesa og læra - og kynnast Grýlu, Leppalúða og börnum þeirra á sérstöku jólanámskeiði Tungumálaskólans. Námskeiðið verður opnað 11. desember þegar fyrsti íslenski jólasveinninn kemur og gefur íslenskum börnum í skóinn þá kemur nýtt efni á hverjum degi til 24. desember en það kemur einn jólasveinn á hverjum degi til byggða þessa daga. Námskeiðinu lýkur svo 6. janúar, á þrettándanaum. Hljóðefni, myndefni, söngvar, textar og vísur. Kennslutími: |
In Iceland, 13 julelads arrive before
Christmas. The first one arrives on December 11th and the
last one on the 24th. And then Nicholas himself arrives on
Christmas Eve, like he does in many other countries. All the lads are naughty and mischievous. They are probably not Christian since they are the sons of trolls. These yulelads are an important part of Christmas preparations and afterwards when we say farewell to Christmas on January 6th. The first one leaves on Christmas day and they leave in the same order they arrived in. Read, listen and learn about these unbelievable lads that give all children in Iceland something in their shoe during the 13 last days before Christmas. You can also read about their parents, Grýla and Leppalúði. Grýla actually has more than one husband, in fact she has three. And she has more than thirteen sons and several daughters too. We get to learn a lot about this family of trolls during the course. Thirteen days after Christmas, the last lad leaves, but that day, Epiphany, is also the day Icelandic elfs move house if need be. As on New Years Eve there are several bonfires, called Álfabrennur, various festivities and celebrations with Icelanders. The course fits those that have taken at least one course in Icelandic at Tungumálaskólinn or elsewhere. Each participant will be able to chose a level of difficutly that fits her or him best, we have made several variations. You chose the ones you would like and you can read and learn and get to know Grýla, Leppalúði and their children on this special Christmas course at Tungumálaskólinn. We open the course on December 11th, when the first Icelandic Yulelad arrives and gives children in Iceland something in the shoe, we will add new material and we will continue to do so every day untill December 24th. A new lad arrives each day during that period. The course lasts until January 6th, on Epiphany. Material to listen to, pictures, songs, texts and rhymes. There will also be news from the Internet, both from TV and the newspapers were we will look at what Icelanders to with the lads, before and after Christmas. Read, listen, watch and enjoy Icelandic culture. From 11.12.2008 - 31.1.2009 |
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You register by sending a mail to gigja @ skoli.eu |